Wednesday, November 12, 2008

War Veteran

Write about a war veteran you have known of, or known personally.

A war hero that I know is Devin. I am sure he has withheld from us many of the brave things he has done, because he is very humble and doesn't think many of the things he does are that great, when really they are. He is a hard worker and my older sister's boyfriend. Devin is a good brother to me and my sisters and Gary, and he is a good friend to everybody (except jerks! He has a low tolerance for them!). Devin served as I recall, three tours in Iraq, and I recall the first time he showed me the photos. We were in Northway Aviation, the flight school where we met each other and where he is now a CFI (MEI too I think). We sat at my ex-instructor's desk and went through many photos on his laptop and I was quite impressed. I am grateful for guys like Devin!

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